Batch 2013
I attended the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, which was an easy transition after my time at PSN. My experience in high school, where I learned to balance and adapt to different subjects, proved valuable. Many of my college peers found this challenging, but the interdisciplinary approach I learned from the IB program allowed me to excel at UMass. This approach provided me with the flexibility to switch my major from Political Science to Communication in my third year. It was during this transition that I discovered my passion for film and TV, and I delved deeply into understanding the role of media in shaping society and culture.
I did a ​one-year intensive​​ ​Masters in ​​Civic Media: Art and Practice. It was fascinating to explore how art​,​​ media​, and technology​ can ​drive​​ social change​. ​​It was especially rewarding to work on my thesis — a guide​​ ​​ to ​​assist​​ ​ story​ ​tellers and educators to apply best practices in their ​work with immigrants and refugees​​. ​T​he solid foundation at PSN helped with applying skills like ​research, critical thinking, and ​writing​.​
I worked with Reimagining Migration in the US for a year, primarily ​creating resources to support ​​ ​teachers to advance the education and well-being of immigrant youth, decrease bias and hatred against young people of diverse origins, and create welcoming & inclusive communities. ​Over the past year, I have been writing and editing at the organization Weloquent, and I also co-founded a film and TV website, Media Matinee.​ 
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