Accreditation is a system of accountability. An accredited school has been inspected by an external organization and is recognized as meeting the standards of excellence in operating as a school, its teaching and learning practices and its care for the learning community.
Out of 12000 international schools in the world, only about 400 of them are jointly accredited by CIS & NEASC.
A diploma from an internationally accredited school establishes a standard expectation that can be relied upon. When reviewing our graduates’ applications, universities have confidence the students are academically prepared as they attended an accredited institution
Parents have few guidelines on how best to select the most appropriate school for their child's needs. Accreditation by CIS & NEASC assures you are attending a school which meets the highest international standards, and which is always working to improve, to offer the very best.
For those wanting to pursue higher education in India, Association of Indian Universities (AIU) approves and recognizes High School Diploma’s awarded by NEASC Accredited Schools.
Pathways Schools are accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). These accreditations legitimate Pathways transcripts and diplomas to hold the same weight and measure as any accredited independent school in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, European Union and India. Pathways High School diplomas are recognized by all universities around the world. Being a member of these educational bodies allows Pathways to benefit from a global network of international schools, participate in workshops and trainings on the leading developments in international education, and collaborate on projects to further strengthen our institutional advancement as one of the leading schools in international education within India.
Pathways Schools are also fully authorized and evaluated by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as a recognized IB Continuum School, and we teach the IB Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Program.
These accreditations validate the integrity of our school program, foster continued academic excellence, ensure the school’s mission is being accomplished, promote strategic planning, and establish priorities for improvement.
Pathways Group of Schools is the only chain of schools in India to be jointly accredited by CIS & NEASC.About New England Association of Schools and Colleges
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