Batch of 2019
I am currently interning as a Software Engineer at a startup while completing my last semester at USC. As for my time at Pathways - it has had a tremendous impact on my personal growth and development. The unique learning environment and supportive faculty have enabled me to become a more confident, independent, and self-advocating person. Pathways has helped me to develop my skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, while also providing me an open forum to explore my interests, passions, and goals. Through the school’s rigorous coursework, I have improved my academic abilities and gained a better understanding of my potential. Furthermore, the faculty and staff at Pathways have always been supportive and encouraging, enabling me to take risks, develop leadership skills, and practice self-awareness. As a result, I have grown into a more confident, self-reliant person who can better manage my emotions, set realistic goals, and take ownership of my learning.
The startup that I'm working for is called Mem Labs, Inc. It's a self-organising workspace app where you can take notes. The app allows you to perform smart search, smart write, etc. using AI and knowledge that you provide them.
My advice for the graduating batch - Coming from someone who is about to graduate from college in about 4 months, this time goes by really fast. So, my only advice would be to make full use of this unique opportunity that you're getting. Take the time to explore your interests, develop your skills, and build valuable relationships. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself, take risks, and make mistakes. At first it may be extremely hard to adjust to this new world that you're suddenly now a part of but hang in there and you will find your community! Finally, don't forget to have fun and enjoy the journey - like I said it will pass faster than you think.
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